Bacterial Brown Blotch and Marketing of Cultivated Table Mushroom. A Short Communication

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University P.O. 11566 Elkhalifa Elmamoun street, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt


Cultivated table mushroom (button mushroom) are highly susceptible to a variety of microbial pathogens including viruses, fungi and fluorescent bacteria . In general, consumer priorities require high quality mushroom plates: completely white, with a closed veil, short stalk and unclear gills. The bacterial browning in mushroom sporophores or what is known by the mushroom blotch disease can affect not only the outer surface of mushroom but also the entire tissues, appearing as pale to dark spots or patches either on the caps or on stalks or even on both, this disease can be noticed at any stage during mushroom cultivation procedure or even during and after marketing of mushroom plates. In this short communications, we are presenting an outline for some of the collected data, statistics in addition to experimental analyses obtained in our study lasted for two years which covers both the pattern and significance of bacterial brown blotch, the bacterial causal agent(s) and the possible relationship of the brown blotch as a significant bacterial disease with marketing of commercial button mushrooms in some selected retails.


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